Exhibition in Wörth
The National Park exhibition in Wörth "Im Facettenreich" takes visitors on a journey to the special features of the diverse Rauris Valley and its three side valleys: Krumltal, Seidlwinkltal and Hüttwinkltal.
The Rauris Valley is often referred to as the "secret jewel" of the Hohe Tauern National Park, as it is a particularly good example of how multifaceted the Alpine region is - a characteristic that gave the new exhibition its name. The animal, plant and human worlds are examined in more detail in their habitat, which has developed over millions of years, and in their mutual interaction, and the special features of the Rauris Valley are skilfully presented.
winterski-areaski-areaOPENING HOURS Winter 2024|25:
30.12.2024 - 28.03.2025
Monday & Tuesday 2 pm till 5 pm
Wednesday 4 pm till 6 pm
Thursday & Friday 2 pm till 5 pm